Empowering Academic and Professional Research: Explore Our Cutting-Edge Research Tools

Welcome to our company’s Research Tools section, where we provide a comprehensive suite of cutting-edge tools to support your academic and professional research endeavour. Our range of tools is designed to empower researchers, academics, and professionals across various disciplines to explore, analyse, and innovate. From robust databases to cutting-edge analysis software, we aim to equip you with the resources necessary to explore, discover, and innovate.

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CiteReady is an online authoring tool that streamlining professional writing process and research workflow. It provides an integrated platform from data collecting, citation management, idea sharing, peer collaboration, manuscript formatting, to originality checking for paper publishing. CiteReady is the cradle nursing your ideas into reality enhancing your authoring and research productivity.

With CiteReady students and researchers can


Keep your sources of inspiration in one place, and organize them any way you want. Documents, presentation files, webpages, even video clips can all be securely managed in one place, with freedom to create folders, notes and tags. Search them in an instant.


Simply copy and paste references into your collections with full bibliographic information, abstracts even full-text! Webpages can also be saved for later reading.


With article templates from world class academic publishers, you can easily prepare manuscripts for publication in the right format and say goodbye to re-submission. Generate citations with ease.


CiteReady could be integrated with your institutional iThenticate / Turnitin subscription. Prevent unintentional plagiarism and avoid unnecessary trouble.


Bringing Clarity to Research

Efforts to promote honesty and transparency in research have been increasing the need for effective systems to identify plagiarized text and images in scientific papers. And while there are many text-checking solutions in the market, until now, the main method for identifying problematic images was manual, visual inspection. Finding reused and manipulated images not only requires a considerable level of expertise, but is a laborious and time-consuming task which requires handling a large number of images. ImaChek is a solution for automatic detection and analysis of images in scientific papers.

Instant analysis with simple operation

ImaChek helps to streamline and simplify the image screening process. It may be used to ensure authenticity prior to publication.

1st Step
Upload document /images
(Images auto-cropped)
2nd Step
Problematic images flagged
3rd Step
4th Step
Download PDF report