Clarivate (Proquest) Webinar

Clarivate (Proquest) and iGroup are collaborating to organize a series of webinars that consists of 3 sessions for librarians and end users in the month of July, August and September. ——————   SESSION 1 (JULY)   ——————-  Webinar Topic: ProQuest Ebook Central: Tips and Trick for Academic Librarians and Faculty Date: July 11, 2023 (Tue) Time: 11:00…

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Worldcrunch x iGroup

Worldcrunch Partnership with iGroup

iGroup has signed a new partnership agreement with Worldcrunch to support the distribution to APAC markets. This new partnership will enable Worldcrunch to offer its digital news magazine to academics, governments and corporates in the Asia Pacific region which covers Australia, China, Brunei, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and…

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SIAM x iGroup

SIAM Webinar

(SIAM) Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics and iGroup are collaborating to organize a Webinar with a discussion focused on early career authors and reviewers. In this webinar we will discuss:   How do you submit to SIAM journals and what makes a good SIAM article? What should you think about as a new reviewer and…

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SIAM 作者講座

Join Prof.George Yin and Prof.Qiang Du for a discussion in mandarin language focused on early career authors and reviewers. 邀请您與SIAM期刊主編 殷剛教授 和 杜強教授 一起探討作者與審稿人所關注的話題吧! 你應該如何向SIAM期刊投稿? 是什麼造就了一篇好的SIAM文章? 作為一個新晉審稿人,你主要應該考慮哪些方面? 日期 2023年6月14日,10:00—11:00AM 時間 10:00 AM – 11:00 (GMT) 殷剛教授 在2020年加入康涅狄格大學(University of Connecticut)之前,George Yin 教授在韋恩州立大學 (Wayne State University)任職了30餘年。他的研究領域包括隨機控制、系統理論和應用。他目前擔任《SIAM控制與優化期刊》的主編。他還是SIAM、IEEE 和IFAC的會士。 杜強教授 Du Qiang (杜強) 是哥倫比亞大學Fu基金會應用數學教授,也是數據驅動科學計算系統中心主席。他畢業於中國科學技術大學,並在卡內基梅隴大學(Carnegie Mellon University)獲得博士學位。他是SIAM、AMS和AAAS的會士(fellow),目前擔任《SIAM應用數學期刊》的主編以及《美國數學學會通訊》的創始聯合主編。他的獲獎情況包括:Frame Faculty Teaching Award…

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Ovid x iGroup

Ovid Webinar

Join us to explore how these tools offer a guided journey through patient examination, diagnosis, investigation procedures and initial treatment, with Bates’ Visual Guide to Patient Examination, VisualDx and Lippincott Medical Procedures. Modern video-based educational software offers standardized evidence-based training tools on common patient care interactions.   Guest Speakers Mr. Allan Finn.  (Senior Customer Service…

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